My Philosophies: Life is short

A philosophy that really helps in everyday life is when you realize that life is too short and that you should just live. We only get one life and one opportunity at it so therefore you should live everyday like you would die tomorrow. You never want to say, "oh I wish I could have done this", or "oh I regret that". You know what just live your damn life and everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to make mistakes. Be dumb sometimes, go do something crazy, go travel to that place. Life is too short to not do things because of fear, regret, or other reasons. Just go do it if you want to do it. Like yeah I've done some stupid shit and do I regret it? Nope because it was a fun time and I learned something from it. I will say through don't be so stupid that you put your life at risk. But just live man and just see what it feels like to be totally aligned with yourself. Take risks because sometimes you just gotta take a risk to get a reward. And also take risks because why the f not. You know what when I'm 18 I want to jump out of a damn airplane and fuck it I will because why not. But anyways life is too short to wait for things to happen. Life is too short to not do things. Life is too short to spend your entire life working a ton. Life is too short to cancel plans. And life is too short to hold yourself back. Do what you want to do, go where you want to go, be with who you want to be with, and live the way you want to live. Screw what people think of you, just live your life. In the end it does not matter who looks the best, has the most money, or who has the best house. That shit doesn't matter it's all about happiness and your life experience. So just live and screw what people want to think. And just do what you want because life is too short man. 
